Oktober 18, 2024

FIDE FPL and EDC actions on the incident involving GM Kirill Shevchenko

IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 18, 2024: 

Based on a request of FIDE Fair Play Commission (FPL) to establish a prima facie case against GM Shevchenko, FIDE Ethics & Disciplinary Commission (EDC) took a decision to suspend the player for a period of 75 days from today’s date, i.e. until January 1, 2025, from any official activities as a player. The EDC will be prepared to reconsider its decision regarding the provisional suspension if a motivated request to that effect is received from the player at any time within the next two (2) weeks. Meanwhile, FPL will continue its investigation.

Lausanne, October 17, 2024

Following the incidents that occurred at the Honor Division of the Spanish Club Chess Championship, which involved Grandmaster Kirill Shevchenko (FIDE ID: 14129574), the FIDE Fair Play Commission immediately initiated preliminary investigations, which led the sole investigator, Vincent Geeraets, to be „comfortably satisfied that a prima facie case has been established against GM Shevchenko”.

The measure is deemed to be necessary „because it would be inappropriate for a player of GM Shevchenko’s caliber to take part in tournaments or competitions under the auspices of FIDE while he is under investigation for a cheating offense (“use of phone”).” The request, which was formally presented by FPL Chair Yuri Garrett to EDC Chair Yolander Persaud, is strictly based on the FIDE Ethics and Disciplinary Code in force: „Art. 12.1e of the Ethics and Disciplinary Code stipulates that a player may be prohibited from participating in chess activities during an investigation. Relevant is art. 12.4a, which indicates that a provisional suspension requires that a prima facie case can be made against the player in question. Art 18.2 of the EDC Procedural Rules indicates that in cases of urgency, such a ban may be imposed directly without the party concerned having been heard beforehand.“

It is of paramount importance to highlight that “Such a provisional suspension, however, would not indicate that GM Shevchenko is guilty of a cheating offense. This needs to be carefully investigated on the assumption that the player is innocent.” To this effect, an Investigatory Panel chaired by Vincent Geeraets has been appointed.