Juli 28, 2024

Haik Martirosyan Wins Record-Breaking Titled Tuesday

19-year-old GM Haik Martirosyan of Armenia won this month’s Titled Tuesday tournament. With 888 titled players, including top GMs Fabiano CaruanaIan NepomniachtchiMaxime Vachier-Lagrave, and Hikaru Nakamura, it was by far the biggest edition ever held.

With many countries under a (partial) coronavirus lockdown, a high turnout for our Titled Tuesday events in April was expected. The participation of almost nine hundred players was a surprise nonetheless.

Admittedly, the whopping 888 participants in the late edition last Tuesday was partly related to a mishap with the early edition. That 585-player event, unfortunately, had to be canceled after four rounds due to server issues that were resolved in time for the second tournament.

If that second tournament proved one thing, it was that the problems were not related to the number of players! With three hundred extra participants and a few sighs of relief, this tournament ran smoothly.

Here’s a nice win by GM Anish Giri from the early edition:

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